Saturday, October 23, 2021

A Children's Bible: A Novel by Lydia Millet (2 stars)

I'm on board for the premise here. The older generation has ruined the planet and are sitting around having petty squabbles and taking drugs while it burns. Checks out.

I'm also onboard for the dark humor. On paper this should be exactly the sort of weird novel I love, but I found it pretty underwhelming.

The humor is there but felt like it needed to be just a touch more absurd to really get me laughing. It's definitely not a "real" post-apocalyptic novel, but it also is a bit too real to be truly funny. It isn't as funny noir as something like Hard Luck Hank, but seems like it could have been.

“Do you blame us?” asked a mother. Pathetic-sounding. “We blame you for everything,” Jen said evenly. “Who else is there to blame?” 

“You gave up the world,” said David. “You let them turn it all to shit,” said Low. I almost forgot the taste of old banana, then. “I hate to disappoint you, but we don’t have that much power,” said a father. “Yeah. And that’s what they all said,” said Jen. “Listen. We know we let you down,” said a mother. “But what could we have done, really?” “Fight,” said Rafe. “Did you ever fight?” “Or did you just do exactly what you wanted?” said Jen. “Always?”

2 stars.

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