Sunday, April 5, 2020

Dead Man's Debt by Elliott Kay (3 stars)

Tanner continues to be at the very center of every single large event spread across the galaxy, but hey, I'll cut him that break. This book takes a fairly heavy political turn, which I think is actually refreshing. Tanner graduates from just being a spectacular military asset to being able to personally influence and change politics and the views of others across the galaxy.

Tanner eventually crosses those in power that he has been fighting for in service of his moral code. Doing this at great personal cost gave me a lot of respect for the story in that it wasn't going to be an easy path to victory.

Some things began to annoy me in this one though, the name "Krokinthians" was ridiculous, out of some 1930s space invaders comic book. And I got tired of the battle scenes because they were fought with the same technology and just got repetitive. So. Many. Chaff. Missiles. I couldn't stand hearing about them anymore and just wanted it to be over.

A satisfying ending, but I wanted it to be over before it was.

3 stars.

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