no matter where you go, there are people like the ones you left behind, furniture and clothes and food like the ones you left behind, the same drinks available across any bar: “Say, settle a bet for us, willya? Is this the Paris Hilton or the Istanbul Hilton?”Our protagonist is Nicky Haflinger, who is a government trained computer hacker prodigy that can create new identities at will, and becomes a champion of transparency and free access to all information for all people. In Brunner's world it's access to privileged information that brings power and wealth.
In some ways this has always been true, but Brunner was forward thinking enough to imagine something like today's world where our governments, insurance companies, banks, supermarkets, hospitals, phones, coffee shops, book sellers, TV networks, and shopping malls are all collecting vast amounts of data about us and using it to their advantage.
"It isn’t knowing that the machines know things about you which you wouldn’t tell your straightener, let alone your spouse or chief. It’s not knowing what the things are which they know."
Out of all the calls taken, nearly half—I think they say forty-five percent—are from people who are afraid someone else knows data that they don’t and is gaining an unfair advantage by it.This novel is definitely very thought-provoking, it's an ideas book, more than a character book. The only person we learn about in any depth is the protagonist, and even then it isn't clear if we're seeing the real character as it's all happening under the guise of an interrogation. Brunner spends lots of time on exposition and much of the action happens between chapters.
Nick's desire to free information has some real parallels with recent leaks and revelations about how governments, police, and companies are using surveillance to further their own ends:
"The idea came up that it took the advent of the H-bomb to bring about in human beings the response you see in other animals when confronted with bigger claws or teeth."...Well, if it’s true that our threshold of survival-prone behavior is so high it takes the prospect of total extermination to activate modes of placation and compromise, may there not be other processes, equally life-preserving, which can similarly be triggered off only at a far higher level of stimulus than you find among our four-legged cousins?”The writing isn't easy reading, but it's incredibly thoughtful and full of memorable quotes. I'll leave you with some of my favourites.
If there is such a phenomenon as absolute evil, it consists in treating another human being as a thing.
#1: That this is a rich planet. Therefore poverty and hunger are unworthy of it, and since we can abolish them, we must. #2: That we are a civilized species. Therefore none shall henceforth gain illicit advantage by reason of the fact that we together know more than one of us can know.
In this age of unprecedented information flow, people are haunted by the belief they’re actually ignorant. The stock excuse is that this is because there’s literally too much to be known.
There are two kinds of fool. One says, "This is old, and therefore good." And one says, "This is new, and therefore better."
One might as well claim that the tide which rubs pebbles smooth on a beach is doing the pebbles a service because being round is prettier than being jagged. It’s of no concern to a pebble what shape it is. But it’s very important to a person. And every surge of your tide is reducing the variety of shapes a human being can adopt.4 stars.
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