...I am not only this Princess Leia creature but also several-sized dolls, various T-shirts and posters, some cleansing items, and a bunch of other merchandise. It turns out I was even a kind of pin-up - a fantasy that geeky teenage boys across the globe jerked off to me with some frequency.The book is based on an autobiographical stage show she began performing in 2006, and reads exactly like a stand-up routine. It is surprisingly funny, and I mean laugh-out-loud funny, which is a pretty rare thing.
She has a biting, sarcastic wit, which she uses to attack her father on a number of occasions. Here she describes how her father Eddie rushed to Liz Taylor's side after the death of her husband:
He first dried her eyes with his handkerchief, then he consoled her with flowers, and he ultimately consoled her with his penis. Now this made marriage to my mother awkward, so he was gone within the week.Fisher is very up front about her drug addictions, failed relationships and bipolar diagnosis (she even appears in an 'Abnormal Psychology' textbook under 'bipolar').
The book is tiny - lots of pictures and huge font, you can probably read it in less than an hour. Not exactly deep, but entertaining.
3 stars
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