Sunday, May 16, 2010

Graceling by Kristin Cashore (3 stars)

I'm a sucker for superpowers books, and the 'graces' in this novel got me interested.  I initially loved Katsa's power, and her internal conflict over her actions as King Randa's pawn.  Unfortunately she turns out to be a Mary Sue: not only is she the best fighter in the world, she is also the best hunter and survivalist, doesn't get hungry, doesn't feel pain, doesn't need sleep, cannot get lost, and is the inspirational leader of an underground government fighting for justice.

I also found her relationship with Po fairly annoying.  She takes ages to realise Po (who is a Gary Stu with his own set of amazing powers) couldn't be more perfect for her, and when she does she gets really...angry?  What the?  This passage where she wakes up in a rage for no reason is just bizarre:
Katsa didn't know what was wrong with her when she woke the next morning.  She couldn't explain the fury she felt toward him.  There was no explanation; and perhaps he knew that, because he asked for none.
There is also a very strong anti-marriage message from Katsa, which seems misplaced.  I get it, she is a strong willed, independent woman.  So why should that change if she gets married?  Maybe Cashore was just trying to make a point about women's rights in medieval times.

The climax comes and goes within a page.  It seemed weird that Cashore created a bad guy with such a cool power, then killed him so quickly.  I would have liked to have seen a war campaign waged between The Council and Leck.

I still enjoyed the book, and the battle with Leck in the forest was great.  Not bad for a first novel.

3 stars.

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