Fun read, even stayed up to 1:30am to finish the final pages.
I found the early parts of the book fairly forced, where the father makes up a series of increasingly ridiculous travel plans to continue the narrative with his daughter. Much to my relief the context switching between past letters and present day events was dropped towards the end of the book. I think it would have read a whole lot better in the first person, since the daughter's role in the story was pretty much non-existent.
I found the ending to be a bit too quick, like the author got sick of the storyline, although perhaps that's just because I'm used to the ridiculously drawn out epic battles of hollywood movies.
The Dracula character was awesome, it's a shame he didn't feature as more than a shadowy presence for most of the story.
The history content was just right, and I may have even learned something :)
3.5 stars.
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