The best (5 stars):
- None! :(
Special mentions (4.5 stars):
For the past ten years you've lived as ordinary a life as possible. You came to Tirimo from elsewhere; the townsfolk don't really care where or why. Since you were obviously well educated, you became a teacher at the local creche for children aged ten to thirteen.
There are things you should be noticing, here. Things that are missing, and conspicuous by their absence. Notice, for example, that no one in the Stillness speaks of islands.I've waited too long to write this review, so I don't have too much to say.
“If you keep Matthew from renting that steel roller he’s been talking about to resurface the driveway,
Easy-to-grow plants like elfwort and yarrow helped the children understand the seasonal cycle of birth, growth, decay, and fallowness that guided any witch’s work in the craft. A hollow stump served as a container for mint and other invasive plants.Matthew is constantly running his fingers through his hair, whenever he's worried or needs to think, which is every couple of paragraphs:
Matthew drove his fingers through his hair.Diana has this whole dragon familiar thing, which basically hardly ever features in the novel apart from when it needs to be a deus ex machina. It reads like it's some sort of neglected pet.
Fernando was a domestic tyrant—far worse than Em ever was—and his changes to Sarah’s diet and exercise plan were radical and inflexible. He signed my aunt up for a CSA program that delivered a box of exotic vegetables like kale and chard every week, and he walked the property’s fence line with her whenever she tried to sneak a cigarette.
“I can create because my father was a weaver, and I can destroy because my mother had the talent for higher, darker magics.” “A union of opposites,” Matthew said. “Your parents were an alchemical wedding, too. One that produced a marvelous child.”A incredibly implausible best friend Chris turns up that has literally never been mentioned in two whole previous novels:
Why didn’t you tell me? Where have you been? Why didn’t you let me help?Yeah, Diana, you are a seriously terrible friend. What was this guy supposed to think happened to you? And of course, Chris drops his entire professional career direction to go off and research all the crazy shit that his supposed best friend is talking about. Seems plausible.
Other alarms marked the hour of Hugh’s death and Godfrey’s, the hour when Louisa had first exhibited signs of blood rage, the hour when Marcus had demonstrated definitively that the same disease had not touched him.There's a weird "drinking during pregnancy is OK" message being pushed, it's mentioned more than once:
“My own mam drank whiskey every day of her pregnancy—and
Marcus had assured me that a single glass every now and again wouldn’t affect the babies, provided I waited a couple of hours before I nursed.The whole Congregation is apparently on the hunt for Diana and Matthew, but they are telling their story to pretty much everyone, so the Congregation is pretty terrible at being an ominous all-powerful organization. A sentiment which is reinforced by turning scary vampire Gerbert into grandpa-on-the-internet who gets viruses and needs to call up geek squad:
Still with the yoga.Sadly for Gerbert—though happily for Ysabeau—an addiction to the Internet and an understanding of how best to use it did not always go hand in hand. Because of the sites he frequented, Gerbert was plagued by computer viruses.
“What is this about?” I asked Matthew when he opened my door. “I thought we should divide the ceremony into two parts: a pagan naming ceremony here, and a Christian baptism at the church,”and Phoebe quits her career at Sotheby's: another professional woman enters an abusive relationship and throws her life away. Great role models in this book.
Phoebe’s hand was trembling. That man—that strange man with no grasp of proper etiquette and startling blue eyes—had kissed her. At her place of work. Without her permission.Kit's obviously the largest danger to Diana, but everyone seems implausibly oblivious to this. Especially Diana and Matthew themselves. It allows Diana to get into a slow-motion bond-villain death trap with a jousting mannequin.
Dozens of daemons, vampires, and witches dipped and swooped their bodies into graceful, upward curves.Ugh. From here on in, it's just Matthew showing off ridiculously expensive wine/real-estate/antiques/art and Diana ignoring all the relationship red flags anyone should ever need. I thought she was supposed to be a strong-spirited intelligent modern woman.
“This is Château Margaux from a very great vintage. Some people consider it the finest red wine ever made.”She hands over her blood sample and he proceeds to dictate everything about her life, including who she can talk to, and then starts physically assaulting her.
“Let me go, Matthew.” I struggled in his arms. “No.” No man had ever refused when I asked him to stop doing something—whether it was blowing his nose in the library or trying to slip a hand up my shirt after a movie. I struggled again. Matthew’s arms got tighter. “Stop fighting me.” He sounded amused. “You’ll get tired long before I do, I assure you.”Miriam sees the same thing:
“She told me I needed to learn how to take care of myself and stop relying on you to protect me. She basically accused me of playing the damsel in distress.”That was your intervention Diana, I feel sad that you couldn't see it. Oh well, back to Matthew dictating everything about your life and you being passive:
“You’ll stay at Woodstock until Peter Knox leaves Oxford.” My face must have betrayed my dismay. “It won’t be so bad,” he said gently. “You’ll have all the yoga you want.” With Matthew in bodyguard mode, I didn’t have much choice.
“This family is not a democracy, especially not at a time like this. When I tell you to do something, you do it, without hesitation or question. Understood?”
“Do you understand why you must not question Matthew when he tells you to do something?”I mean, you're an expert horse rider, but sure, let him treat you like a baby:
“I can get onto a horse myself,” I said hotly. “But you don’t need to.” Matthew’s hands cupped my shin, lifting me effortlessly into the saddle.
“You’re tired,” he said, “and hungry. Maybe we should wait until after lunch.”Surprise! Time for some time-travel, don't bother asking when/where you're going though, your husband can decide all that for you:
I still knew nothing, except that I was headed to a time before 1976 and a place where Matthew had played chess.Spoiler from the next book: Matthew had no idea what he was doing when he picked the time and place.
Cultural shock was nothing much compared to the biological shock I suffered as a human male among human beings who were, five-sixths of the time, hermaphroditic neuters.
Consider: There is no division of humanity into strong and weak halves, protective/protected, dominant/submissive, owner/chattel, active/passive. In fact the whole tendency to dualism that pervades human thinking may be found to be lessened, or changed, on Winter.Le Guin leads us through many facets of the society and ambassador Genly's realisation of just how different this gender neutral world really is to a human male:
The First Mobile, if one is sent, must be warned that unless he is very self-assured, or senile, his pride will suffer. A man wants his virility regarded, a woman wants her femininity appreciated, however indirect and subtle the indications of regard and appreciation. On Winter they will not exist. One is respected and judged only as a human being. It is an appalling experience.In addition to the gender thought experiment there's also plenty of other issues touched upon, including how damaging rabid nationalism can be.
“Oh yes,” the Mademoiselle said. Then she snatched at the globe with her hand, crushing it between her fingers, rivulets of dust pouring between them. “Very much more.”And this description of security controls made me laugh out loud. Sounds like something from a kids TV show:
“Access counter-insurgent protocols; lambda-plus severity, maximum battle-readiness concurrence and counter-check to be assumed, full autonomous denial-suppression, criticality-nine Armageddon defaults, red-one-alpha security-bypass, all Triumvirate privileges invoked at all levels; all non-Triumvirate privileges rescinded.”
Once the technology was successfully commercialized, those who could afford it would use it to skip to paradise, while the rest of humanity would have to stay behind in the comparatively depressing present to construct that paradise for them.Shooting a brain out into space with a series of nuclear weapons was badass.
How are we supposed to know whether or not you have already started work?The Trisolarans recognise the threat and come up with a super sophisticated assassination method. Meanwhile Zang Beihai is also coming up with his own amazingly complex murder plot to remove opposition to technological research: it involves creating bullets out of meteorites....
“The universe is a dark forest. Every civilization is an armed hunter stalking through the trees like a ghost, gently pushing aside branches that block the path and trying to tread without sound. Even breathing is done with care. The hunter has to be careful, because everywhere in the forest are stealthy hunters like him. If he finds other life—another hunter, an angel or a demon, a delicate infant or a tottering old man, a fairy or a demigod—there’s only one thing he can do: open fire and eliminate them.
If this was so, then how many other acts of humankind that had seemed normal or even righteous were, in reality, evil?Wenjie extends a deliberate invitation to a powerful alien race to invade and cleanse Earth of humanity. This was unlike any other first contact story I've ever read. Wenjie's actions start a doomsday clock ticking that will expire in 450 years.
“Your Imperial Majesty, this is the Qin 1.0 operating system we developed. The software for doing the calculations will run on top of it. That below”—Von Neumann pointed to the human-formation computer—“is the hardware. What’s on this paper is the software. The relationship between hardware and software is like that between the guqin zither and sheet music.”Complete with progress bars made from people carrying coloured flags:
“Self-test complete! Begin boot sequence! Load operating system!”Rehydrate! Dehydrate!
It made me wonder whether our ability and desire to interact with strangers is another muscle that risks atrophy in the smartphone world.On the amount of time to wait before texting back:
“There is this desire, for me at least, to have the upper hand. I have to have it. So if I text someone, and they wait ten minutes to text me back, I wait twenty.The amazing things people write in their profiles:
“No fatties, no alcoholics,” proclaimed another. “I’m currently cleaning up toxic waste” is how one man described his professional life, while another described himself as “an executive by day, a wild man by night,” and a third proclaimed, “I’m interested in all aspects of data processing.”On the fundamental problems with online dating:
But our research also convinced me that too many people spend way too much time doing the online part of online dating, not the dating part.4 stars.
For Mr. Hill the Secret Service job was everything from security and logistics to shopping for swimsuits and transporting horses gifted to Mrs. Kennedy back to the US:You don’t even realize the impact you have, how much you are admired, how you just single-handedly created bonds between the United States and two strategic countries far better than any diplomats could have done.
Thus it was that I became a frequent shopper on Worth Avenue, buying swimwear for the president, toys for the children, and personal items for Mrs. Kennedy. This was not in the job description the Secret Service had for me, but it was just one more way to make life a lot easier and less confrontational for Mrs. Kennedy. She appreciated my efforts, and I considered it a good protective move to remove her from public exposure as much as possible.
...all I could think was how the hell are we going to get this damn horse back to Washington?It's an interesting read, even if it skips over the more scandalous events such as rumored affairs, and Hill's own deep personal struggles after JFK's death.
It isn't running away they're afraid of. We wouldn't get far. It's those other escapes, the ones you can open in yourself, given a cutting edge.
There is more than one kind of freedom, said Aunt Lydia. Freedom to and freedom from. In the days of anarchy, it was freedom to. Now you are being given freedom from. Don't underrate it.4 stars.
If Earth hunkered down and rebuilt, it would take them years to get back to where Ceres had been, pinning them to the station like insects against a board. If Earth chased and attacked the Free Navy, they would be firing on ships carrying refugees. If they abandoned the station, millions of Belters would die under their care and push anyone still sympathetic to the old ways toward the new. Anything they did would be a victory for the Free Navy. They couldn’t win. That was Marco’s genius.But overall it felt pretty meh. The number of POVs explodes and I didn't care about most of them. The continuation of the Rocinante being at the absolute center of all the action was perhaps necessary for the plot, but it was delivered in such an implausible way as to be grating. Lets bet the outcome of the war on a secret mission that must stay low profile from the enemy for it to succeed. How about we pick the most high profile ship and crew in the entire galaxy to run it? Who could be watching? Turns out, everybody.